Thursday, October 15, 2009


熱了一個夏天 (雖然只是不到三個月),享受了一個暖和和的金秋後,現實又把我的暖冬夢打回谷底,三數天內氣溫急降十多度(攝氏﹗),看著書桌上的溫度計從和暖的廿度一天一點往下游,昨天日間室外只有六度,室內十五十六,晚上外邊已是零度了,我跟 Phil 說原來瑞典秋天車窗已開始結霜,他卻若無其事的說︰我們的車窗也開始結霜啦。

秋真的來了,但在我己好比嚴冬,因為怕電費貴我這幾天都一邊點夜油燈一邊死死抱著我的 Northface 與熱水瓶,還有燃起三小顆蠟燭,起碼視覺上暖一點,自問感覺其實有點怪可憐的。

昨天 Phil 上完課回到家裡說不得了,非開暖爐不可﹗於是,晚上九時正,當電費開始進入「特價時段」,我們再次替我們的巨無霸儲熱式電暖爐注入生命。明年電費年結要貴就貴一點吧,家裡冰冷冷的真的太不人道。

雖然很喜愛這白白的頂樓房子,但它真的很冷,就算用上了蘭西從香港寄來的門縫擋風裝置,但還是不保暖。冷空氣感覺像穿透整個屋頂後壓在我們頭上,再蔓延至全屋大小角落。沒有暖爐的小睡房,日間室溫已降至十四度,意思就是昨天晚上再減四度左右,怪不得連不喜歡大被蓋過頭的 Phil 也蓋得嚴緊。我跟 Phil 說若有一種神奇保溫漆可以一塗便把冷空氣隔絕,那多好。他卻笑我天馬行空,說若我能發明這樣的東東,一定馬上成為億萬富翁。

因為冷,我又開始看租務廣告。雖然在 2010 冬天到來前也沒有搬的機會,但做夢不花分文,就讓自己夢一下吧︰

長燄鎮的古老房子 (即德意志有名的 Fachwerkhaus ),裡頭全新裝修,約 62 平方米 (即 667 平方尺), G/F ,大小跟我們的家差不多,但有一房一廳,大概比我們的一廳半房實用,也不用跑 48 級樓梯便到家門。另有我最渴望的廚櫃組合、兩個儲物室、寬闊的屋外平台、再加小花園與車位,月租 (不連水電雜費) 260 歐,比我們的頂樓房子還要便宜﹗﹗ (德意志跟香港相反,房子越高越便宜)

我好想去看看,當旅遊也好嘛,但可預知 Phil 的反應︰老房子問題多多、那麼便宜一定有問題、住到那麼偏遠的小地方很不方便 (但德意志很多地方對我而言都是偏而小),最重要是,不能搬看房子幹嘛?


後記︰ Phil 的反應我都猜對了,團圓才十四個月,但跟他,有時真的像老夫老妻,平平淡淡的一切都在預期之內,真好。唯一我猜不到的是,他竟在意人家沒有寫到廣告上的 heating system ﹗其實我心知那可能是問題。。。 ~_~ 他說一定是小得可憐的壁爐,受法例保護的老房子都是這樣的,所以才不寫進去﹗

我說嘛,不去看看又怎知道呢? e_e


  1. Holly, brew a big pot of homemade ginger tea and keep it in the thermos. Ginger 驅寒 ah :)

    Forecast said it might snow in my part of Sweden tonight. I'm used to it now. Every year there will be an early snow in Oct/Nov. After all these years I've also gotten used to the cold. The worst for me is spring, actually. Cos after the long winter I really want to shed the coats, yet it's usually coldish and rainy in Spring. VERY ANNOYING.

  2. Oh my God, first snow ALREADY...? @_@ ...... >_< I love snow, but I hate the cold.... Phil also hates cold and rainy weather.

    I also want to get a candle holder for teapots, then I can keep my tea warm. With my glass thermos I can't have any tea in it :(

  3. electric blanket is the solution holly!!!
    me+p both have one under the blanket. we'll turn it on before going to bed. when it's time to step inside the warm pei wo, it is a paradise!!!

  4. 我回黎喇!

    今早到家,m說已經開了暖氣, 洗唔洗呀?
    夏天時候差不多不開燈, 家陣一屋都開了, 洗唔洗呀?


    我多數臨睡前就沖一個熱水涼, 然後立即跳入床, 死都唔起身架喇

    荷蘭秋天濕凍, 如果沒有太陽, 一個社區就像死城, 搵鬼出去屋企了

    外面風大雨大, 嚇鬼呀!

    望著一個死城, 邊到仲有心情呀?!


  5. btw,
    我上次去德國見過這種房子, 真的好美麗呀~

    但看看又無妨, 我有晚發夢自己間屋有溫泉, 而且大到不知走去哪好

    除了中個d嚇死人咁多錢的歐洲彩票之外, 都不知仲可以靠什麼了

    不過夢, 還是要繼續發!


  6. Eva, I told P about electric blanket last winter....he said, not safe! And his answer stays unchanged this year :( German mentality, safety is paramount... ~_~ But it's okay la, by the time I go to bed, he has already heated it up for me. He's my humongous snoring heating in bed! :D

    Meg! 歡迎回歸歐洲大陸﹗你家暖氣也不夠嗎?怎麼好像大家都咁慘﹗哈哈﹗趁還未 settle down 再找個 dream house 搬吧﹗ :P

  7. During my first couple of years in Europe, I was also very mad at the cold, dark winter. I probably suffered a mild SAD (seasonal affective disorder). But then, I looked at the people around me: they've lived like this all their lives. Yes you can curse to no end, or you can get over it and deal with it as part of life. At least in Sweden, that's why there are so many nice looking candle holders and candles - it's cold outside, but we can make our homes warm and cosy.

    Meg and Holly - 奸爸爹ah!! I actually prefer the climate in Sweden, because I get to experience seasons. Think about the spring flowers and the autumn leaves, and the smell of newly cut grass in summer. I rather have that than the perpetual sweltering heat in Hong Kong.

  8. Kikare, wah...! How many years have you been living in Sweden...? I can't imagine myself settling here, though I'm quite used to life here now. True, I also like the seasons here, the summer is nice and dry, and the autumn foliage is gorgeous, just the winter... sigh... why does it have to be so bloody cold....! ~_~

  9. Come December and I will have lived in Sweden for 6 years. I also didn't think I'd cope that long in an environment so different from HK. But I did. Sometimes it's just a matter of telling yourself that "This is your life now. Find a way to make the best out of it." Well that's basically my attitude on most things. For things that are not within our control, 怨天怨地,不如自得其樂/苦中作樂。


  10. thank you Kikare!

    房子沒有問題, 而且我一天比一天愛上
    只是很冷, 開暖氣想起電費單個心又寒

