Sunday, February 13, 2011


再次失敗,於星期五晚,這次沒上次失敗得難看,成品切開來看起碼有兩成像蛋糕,不像上次的,像香蕉糕多於蛋糕。因為不服氣,所以這次決定再照德文蛋糕書裡的食譜再做一次,還做得挺認真的,除了人家攪拌材料的次序給我搞亂了點 (因為太集中於攪拌材料,忘了看食譜指引),糖及牛油的量都減了丁點,烤箱不用大的改用小的,人家說要用三十厘米的烤盤我卻用了廿五厘米的 (因為選用小烤箱原故),究竟錯在哪裡呢?

- 220克 牛油 (我改用 200 克)
- 280克 砂糖 (我改用 250 克的 brown sugar)
- 少量 鹽
- 4 隻 (大)雞蛋
- 380克 麵粉
- 2茶匙 發粉
- 400克 熟香蕉蓉 + 1個檸檬的油 + 100毫升的牛奶
- 烤箱 200 度,烤五十分鐘

香蕉蛋糕派不成街坊,反而糊亂地用香蕉蛋糕餘下的一點蛋糕粉團 (因為較小的烤盤盛不了那麼多) 再加進可可粉、榛子粉和丁點發粉而做出來的八件實驗小鬆餅,竟還算過得去。 Phil 急不及待鯨吞兩件後,我嚷著叫他趁熱把餘下六件生還餅送到樓下的樂太太家裡,才不至於目睹他一晚吞八件小鬆餅的慘劇。因為得快手快腳的送走小鬆餅,所以連照也來不及拍拍。



  1. For 發粉, did you use baking powder or baking soda?

    whatever the reason the cake did not turn out the way you wanted, I have to say I admire how persistent and resilient you're. I would have given up that recipe and done other stuffs instead if I failed to do it well couple times. you are special. :)

  2. Holly I found an old recipe which I used to follow. I don't make this now cos my man doesn't like banana (stupid man!). It's for muffins. I have never failed with this recipe. Hope it's a success with you as well!

    1. dry ingredients
    3/4 cup self-raising flour
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/8 cup cocoa powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda (NOT baking powder)
    1/4 tsp salt

    2. wet ingredients
    One and a half bananas
    1/2 egg
    1/6 cup cooking oil (don't use olive oil as it cannot stand high heat)

    3. 1/2 cup chocolate chips

    Mix all dry ingredients.
    Mix all wet ingredients.
    Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients
    Add chocolate chips and mix well.
    Pour mixture into muffin trays. Bake in preheated oven 190C for 20-25mins.

    Remember to take photos if you make this ah! :D

  3. Hi Holly, try to bake cucumber cake. It sounds a little bit strange and the cake is green. But it tastes really good. :)

  4. Dora, 我用的是 baking powder,這兒特價超市賣的好像只有 baking powder,我還以為 baking powder 跟 soda 是一樣的呢... ~_~

    Kikare, 老外的味覺我也覺得很奇怪,P 超愛香蕉,但只吃生香蕉,即剛由青變黃那種,香蕉熟了,開始有小黑點,他就說不好吃,壞了要掉啦﹗~_~ 等我下次再買香蕉,便試做香蕉 muffins 吧,現在見蕉便氣餒﹗

    JJ, 我跟 P 說,不如做青瓜蛋糕囉,他聽了馬上吐,因他最最最憎青瓜﹗XD

  5. I don't know the difference. but I find recipes all very specifically state whether it's baking powder or baking soda, and i assume there's a difference, or else they won't do so. for banana bread, recipes often ask for baking soda.
    ;)... why don't you train him to bake instead? since you're so busy... ask him to try. :)

  6. I did before...since it was HIM who wanted to start baking... But every time he said, no la... I want to bake with you, it's more fun.
