Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Phil 說他星期四晚上沒吃晚餐,因為我為著芝麻綠豆事跟他吵了兩天,他少有的吃不下。我很想解說那其實是我體內的 chemical imbalance 所致,但去年如此,今年又如此,四.一九將至,我不敢也不想再用同一個自己也說不清是理由還是藉口的東西,所以我假裝平靜的只跟你吵了兩句便掛線,之後想了好一夜,是我的問題,是我小題大做,你疼我如昔,沒多一點也沒少一點,問題的確在我。於是我拔掉了電話線,有點傻,但我不願收到任何電話,也需要完全一個人靜一下。星期五黃昏我重新接上電話線,跟你說是我自己的問題,我脾氣臭心情壞,你又是一貫的前事不計,說自己真的幸運,有個會自我反省的妻子。

四月十九日日出時份,我痛醒了,女人的痛,本應馬上衝往厠所去,但我還是貪心要先往陽台門前看一眼紅遍天的日出。上吐下瀉後在窄小的厠所地板上打滾,誇張得像笑片裡的演員。去年你向我越洋呼救,今年我隔著客廳向睡得正甜的你呼救,算跟你扯平了。你以為發生了什麼事,像肥企鵝一樣跑出了睡房,半夢半醒驚惶失措的問什麼事什麼事?兩秒後你意識到我的痛,明白我要我的小熊湯壺 Ted ,之後送 Ted 送水送藥,還在我抱著厠盤吐黃膽水時體貼的伴在我身旁,比起初次見我痛而呆坐一旁的那個你,你進步多了。

四月十九日正午,我終於睡醒了,你棄下你的 Sponge Bob 還是什麼節目,來到我的身邊,我問你知不知今天是什麼日子?好不容易才記得我的生日與我們結婚紀念日的你一臉茫然,於是我說去年今天你被送院啦,不過現在已不同了,一切已轉好了,我們有自己的家自己的床,你又慢慢的回來了‥‥



  1. Hi Holly,
    What a nice coincidence - the day I start to read your blog is the day when you leave your first comment on mine :)
    I just want to say that your story is a great inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. My best wishes to you and Phil. We have similar stories but definitely not the same ending. Enjoy the summer.

  3. Holly:)
    I am the katrina appeared in Grace'blog,and i knew u from her blog, hehe
    i was also crazy about 三毛 in junior high school ,and i cried when i read that her husband passed away,hehe, a little girl then~and i have all her books as well:)
    U take care and good luck!

  4. Kikare: I've been reading your blog for a little while already. I do enjoy reading it!

    Ke, you're living in Portugal? I once tried to learn Portuguese, but never got any further than desculpe + obrigada >_< Very difficult!

    Katrina, I also cried alot for her! I bet I'd still do, in my heart, if I read her books again.

  5. Hi Holly,

    I used to live in Portugal. Portuguese indeed is very difficult, comparing to German which I learnt at university in HK. Unfortunately since my Portuguese husband passed away owing to mental disorder, I'm now back to HK.

    My full support to both you and Phil.

    Take care,
