Saturday, December 09, 2006


豬骨濃湯丁丁面 + 兩隻雞蛋 = Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ~~~~ !!!!!

不忍看著丁丁面被冷落在櫃子裡,今天晚上決定放一個下鍋,跟 Phil 一同分享‥‥

我急得等不了 Phil 便先開始吃,每吃一口前也要長 Mmmmmmm~~~ 一聲,吃完一口又長 Mmmmmmmmmmm~~~~ 第二聲,Phil 再也顧不了看電視,過來跟我爭食。吃過第一口後,他快哭了的說︰我很想念香港及中國的美食啊~~~

之後,兩人專注著一邊薯薯薯的吸著麵一邊 Mmmmmm 的好一陣子,最後連最後一滴湯都沒了,還想好好的 "清潔" 一下湯碗,覺得自己失禮得可笑‥‥但有丁丁面吃,再失禮也無所謂﹗

Just want to say, we want more.....!


  1. 我有一個住在法國的老師,曾在利物浦的唐人街買了一箱丁丁回家,因為他的女兒喜歡吃。

  2. Dim a? wanna one or few box/es? i send over la!

  3. 哈哈,對啊,Phil 邊吃邊說,這才算是湯的嘛﹗鬼佬上次吃這兒亞洲店買到的雞蓉丁,已說好味得不得了,但其實那個麵底很不行﹗


    等我們派帖時,你 ship 一隻櫃的丁賀我們啦﹗呵呵呵~~~ ^o^

  4. OH HOLLY! that's my favourite flavour too, pig bone deep soup ding!!! u know what? the best is it is available in sweden!! i found it in an asian shop in Gothenburg, save my life;D

    yeah, i know how it feels, opening all the HK post boxes with tears hanging at the corner of the eyes... dong gu, yiu chu, ding ding etc etc like treasures falling from the sky! food in hk is unbeatable, one of the things i still miss terribly from our little home town. glad that Phil appreciates the instant culture too! by the way, my husband Peter loves it too.

    i did the same when i first moved to Sweden in 1999. posted myself at least 6x10kg boxes full with yes, same as u! clothes, books, food, beloved things etc etc. took 2.5 months on the sea to arrive here... even now every time I recevied any letter/parcel/boxes sent from HK I still got so excited. have u noticec: there is this special HK SMELL popping out when u just opened the box...hmmmm! home smell too!

    are u going to live in Germany for good now? how would u2 celebrate x'mas? any plan for home visit soon?

  5. 一麵可解鄉愁。

    多謝出前一丁!是一定要出前一丁,不可以是公仔麵又不可以是福麵或其實雜o麥牌。連湯都要喝到一滴不留,各咯~~ 好味,開心晒。

  6. 嘩﹗Lousy媽媽 你原來已在北國住了那麼久?不容易啊﹗

    60kg 的東西‥‥我想我不會有你那麼多,因為大部份的家當都遺留了在那個不會回去的家裡,很多我喜愛的書、照片及小東西‥‥

    打開那幾箱子衣物後,一屋子衣櫃臭丸味,Phil 晚上回到家裡,我還沒說,他已嗅到了,哈﹗不過還好,他比我喜歡臭丸味﹗

    聖誕,Phil 的家人都會走在一起,我別無所求,只要他們不吵架,我便阿彌佗佛了﹗


    包,其實其他的麵不是不好,只是丁丁真的無得彈 :)
