Wednesday, March 13, 2013


這陣子的我,有點疏於日誌 / fb,因為我總忙著別的事情,忙著打求職信,忙著複習我的跛德語,也忙著跟他吵架,忙得心很煩、人很累。其實我,真的不想吵,更無力去吵。每每吵架過後,我都很累,累得有點筋疲力竭的感覺,累得什麼也做不了,連飯也幾乎不想再做、不想再吃了。




*脾氣都是天生的,有些人可以冷靜待之,有些人會選擇離場 (他就是那類人),有些人會選擇沈默接受,而我的脾氣,卻總要我把理說清說楚才罷休,儘管有時越說越無力,有時越說越孤獨。就是煩氣囉,我。


  1. you're just trying to do what seems right to you. no need to be so harsh on yourself indeed. maybe there are alternatives. he can try hanging out with other people without you, so you can find your own time too. would that be possible?

  2. Thx, Unknown!

    Dora, sometimes what I think is right is perhaps not really right...? Sometimes I do feel guilty not letting him make furniture he doesn't really cost a fortune. I just don't really know where to put another piece of furniture. Sigh.

    Friends, he's got no friends to hang out with. We do invite friend over / go to friends' every now and then, and he knows plenty of people in town, but a friend for him to hang out with? There was never really such a person. He seems to be pretty content if he can hang out with me --- but I can't, not all the time. (And he doesn't like joining hobby clubs either.)

    He basically leaves me alone now, as soon as I get grumpy ;P

  3. hm, Holly, even if it's not right, so what. that's what every human being is trying to do -- we can only manage to carry out what seems right to us.

    perhaps he can make furniture for someone else? that will be empowering to him, and you don't have to worry about where to put; it may someone happy and perhaps it can become a hobby or even career.

    we all need friends, different ones to give us different perspectives. i hope in no so far future, Phil could find console in other friends as well, and even hang out with them without you. that's really important. now you seem to be his lifeline and it's too much stress on you and it's not healthy for the relationship in the long run.

    take good care ha.

  4. I'm hoping that he can get in touch with his childhood friends again...but I guess it's much harder than I thought...

    At least he's leaving me alone now, thank goodness!!!
